The functions that call the players to read off the messages depend on the player you use. 调用播放器的函数根据使用的播放器阅读消息。
I passed the joyful childhood in there, as well as has read off the elementary school, the junior middle school, the high school. 生活小百科网:我在那里度过了快乐的童年,以及读完了小学、读中、高中。
Using this identification, we read off the quantum numbers of the quarks. 照此鉴定,可以识别出夸克的量子数。
Read off the oil pressure on the pressure gauge while doing so. 执行此操作时,从压力表中读取机油压力。
You read off the top, so. 你从最上面念起,就这样。
The freezing point of the windscreen cleaner can be read off here. 可由此读取风挡清洁剂的凝固点。
Frank tore open the envelope, read off the brief message it contained and picked up the telephone. Performance of damping-sleeve for vibration control in labyrinth air seals 弗兰克撕开封套,读完短信,然后拿起电话听筒。用于篦齿封严装置的阻尼套筒减振性能研究
I'm on this point here, I keep my solution, my mixture. I make a gas, I read off the composition of the gas phase here. 我在这个点,保持溶液混合物,然后进行汽化,在这里读出气相的成分比例。
The current value can be read off at the right of the scale. 现值可以在天平的右边读出来。
The triangular plot allows all three values to be read off easily. 我们使用三角图很容易读出全部三个数值。
And how does that correspond to what gets read off the diagram under different conditions. 同时对应不同情况下,曲线的性质。
I want you to sit down in front of these dials and read off any fluctuations that occur in oil press. 我想让你坐在这些标度盘前读出油压发生的波动变化。
What time could be read off the slopes and inclines of this inorganic musculature, the drifting planes of its face? 何时才能识别出这无机肌肉系统的边坡和斜面,还有这张脸飘忽不定的侧面呢?
He went to the desk near the window, pulled in his chair twice and read off some words from the sheet on the drum of his typewriter. 他走到窗旁的写字台那儿,把椅子往前拖了两下,读了读卷在打字机滚筒上那张纸上的几个字。
Read off the amount of play on the dial gauge. 读取百分表上的间隙值。
The oil level on the segment display can be read off after the measurement is completed. 测量完成后可读出图块显示屏上的油位。
When the waiting time is up, read off the oil level on the segment display. 等待时间结束时,从图块显示中读取机油油位。
Read off current vehicle mileage and write it down. 读取当前车辆里程数并记录。
He read off the names of the places he had visited. 他很快地念出了访问过的地方的名字。
Read off play on precision gauge and write it down. 读取精密量具上显示的间隙,并进行记录。
Read off the part number on all bar ignition modules on the engine of this vehicle. 读取该车辆发动机上所有杆式点火模块的零件号。
Turn the brake disc and, when doing so, read off the lateral runout on the dial gauge. 转动制动盘的同时,读取百分表上的横向跳动。
The problem of dense storage media was solved by using a laser to read off data bits on an optical disc. 媒体的密集存储问题,是通过使用一束激光从光盘上读取数据位来解决的。
Start the engine and read off the fuel pressure on the pressure gauge. 起动发动机并读取压力表上的燃油压力。
Read off the oil pressure on the pressure gauge when doing so. 进行此操作时,读取压力表上的机油压力。
And what that means is, I'm going to read off the memories and the beliefs and the desires from your brain and read off the memories and desires and beliefs from Linda's brain. 那意味着,我将要从你的大脑中,读出记忆,信念和欲望,然后读出Linda大脑中的记忆,欲望和信念。
So, if you were to read off the bits of information on the CD player without decoding it you would not get music. 所以如果从CD播放机直接读出信息位而不进行解码,就没法得到音乐。
And of course it's very useful to do that, and see how to read off it. 这很实用,看看怎么直接读出结果。
Only get one other person to read off the values on the tester. 应由另一人读取检测仪显示的值。
Much work has been done in order that data can be transmitted by television and read off an ordinary TV screen. 已进行了大量工作,使情报资料可以通过电视来播送并在普通电视屏幕上显示出来。